
We’re a friendly team, based in Greater Manchester, our accountancy practice are competitively priced to help your business flourish. 

just breathe...
we can handle it all

There's nothing we haven't seen

We’ve been in business for over 15 years.

We’ve been in the industry over 20 years. So there’s nothing we haven’t seen.

easy steps, no stress

We’ll handle it all, or we’ll just let you handle it, and check it over before we send it to the tax man.

Book-keeping – Weekly , Monthly or Quartley Book-keeping offered either in house or at your companies premises.

Some businesses do this work themselves, but often it is more sensible to have us do it for you, allowing you to get on with the important job of running and growing the business.

It can also help you to reduce your year-end accountancy costs, make VAT inspections less of a worry and also deal with any tax enquiries by making sure your book-keeping properly reflects the business’ transactions.

When we do the bookkeeping we can provide you with proper management information to help you run the business.

It also allows us to complete your VAT returns for you very easily.

We can alternatively provide you with training to allow you to keep your books yourself in the way most suitable to your business.

accounts preparation.

Every business has a statutory obligation to produce accounts annually for the relevant authorities, typically HM Revenue & Customs and Companies House. This is a job that someone has to do and most accountants do that job.

One of the key objectives in accounts preparations is to identify areas where we can assist in minimising your tax liability. Another key objective is to ensure that the accounts are compliant with all the statutory obligations.

In addition we like to gain a full understanding of your business so that we are able to give advice and recommendations tailored exactly to your requirements. We believe that accounts preparation in itself can give a massive insight to your business and gives the bigger picture, to help with both the short-term objectives and long-term goals of the owners.

We take the time to explain your accounts to you so that you understand what is going on financially within your business, helping you to plan for the future.

It's easy as one-two-three

how we work


get in touch

Get in touch, 


answer a few questions

answer some easy questions


we'll do your books!

Let’s work together and do you accounts!

payroll & cis

Everything seemed fine running your own business until the day you took on your first employee and became an unpaid tax collector. This is when you found out what red tape was all about.

Let us take the strain away from you and let you get on with running and growing the business. Payroll is complicated and has to be done on time, and you as the employer are responsible for the mistakes.

We run payrolls on time and can provide a tailor made service for your business including:

  • Employee payslips
  • Monthly summaries
  • Departmental reports
  • Completion of P45’s for leavers
  • PAYE returns for the revenue
  • Assistance with automated payment set-up to your employees
  • New CIS returns completed by us
  • Manage holidays requests and entitlement
Linked with this we can then produce at a reduced cost year-end PAYE returns including P35, P60’s & P11D’s. Alternatively we can produce the end of year returns from your own records and assist with correct completion of P11D’s for employees expenses and benefits.

You will never have to worry about calculating statutory sick pay or maternity pay and dealing with tax credits and student loan deductions ever again!

Beyond the payroll compliance service, we offer comprehensive advice on all employment tax issues, from planning tax efficient remuneration strategies to planning for retirement.

start ups

Starting a new business is a massive undertaking for anyone. Did you know that for every new business that starts this year it is likely that only 43% will still be going in a year’s time and only 20% in 5 years time.

As well as some of our core services that are especially applicable to business start ups we can help with…

  • Business structure – should you be a sole trader, partnership, Limited Company or even a Limited Liability Partnership? We will talk you through which is best for you.
  • Notifying the authorities – you need to let HMRC know within 3 months of commencing self-employment that you are in business. Failure to do so results in automatic fines. We will do all the forms for this, set you up with national insurance payments and if necessary complete the VAT Registration forms for you
  • Introductions – We are part of a business networking group, so we are able to provide recommendations for all aspects of your business like financial advisors, solicitors, wills & probate, website design & business stationary.

These are our core business start up services to ensure you are a success…

  • Business Growth
  • Strategic Business Planning
  • Raising Finance And Business Plans
  • Company Formation And Secretarial Services
  • Tax Planning
  • VAT Registration


Our taxation services cover the whole spectrum of different taxes and consist of the basic compliance services that most accounts offer, but also specialist added value tax services.

These are our core tax services:

Personal and Unincorporated Business Tax:

  • Self assessment
  • Inheritance tax planning
  • Contentious tax dispute work
  • Tax planning
  • Tax investigation fees insurance
  • Tax enquiries and investigations

Corporation tax:

  • Corporation tax self assessment
  • Tax planning
  • Tax investigation fees insurance
  • Tax enquiries and investigations

  • VAT registration
  • VAT returns
  • VAT planning and disputes

  • Payroll and end of year returns
  • Employment status and IR35 defence

Build your business
with us.

Our Services & Works

1. Help with tax
2. Help with Payroll
3. New business start ups

4. Tax
5. Accounts preparation
6. Book keeping & VAT

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